Help us do more for our participant at Coleman Adult Day!

Coleman Adult Day Services needs your help to increase donations – of time, services, money, or goods – to provide a better experience for all of our participants and caregivers!

Expanded Programming for Seniors and Adults

When you donate to Coleman Adult Day Services, you help expand our programming for our seniors and adults with developmental disorders. They have access to more opportunities for personal achievement and daily entertainment, including musicians, dance and fitness classes, art and sculpture, spiritual readings, community speakers, readings and other fun activities.

Updated Equipment and Facilities

Our facility sees daily wear. Your donations also help to improve quality of services and functionality throughout our day center. This includes keeping our facilities up-to-date with mobility equipment, supplies, senior-friendly furniture and more.

Our Latest Project: Music Therapy Wishlist

One song has the ability to heal.

Along with bringing comfort and joy to our participants, Music Therapy at Coleman Adult Day stimulates and improves cognitive function, even in the later stages of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. We have an exciting opportunity to expand our Music Therapy Program. Funds raised will be used to help purchase equipment and supplies to enhance our many offerings, bring professional musicians to the facility for live performances. 

See our Music Therapy Wishlist

Ways to Give

Honor & Memorial Giving

We never forget those who make a difference in our lives – through a kind word, a simple gesture or by taking the time to care.  By making a gift to Coleman Adult Day Services to honor someone important to you or to preserve the memory of one you hold dear, you too can make a difference – in the lives of our participants.

One hundred percent of your gift supports the important programs, amenities and programs at Coleman and is fully tax deductible.  In addition, when you make a gift honoring or remembering someone, we notify the family or person you specify of your generosity and thoughtfulness.  Donations to Coleman made in lieu of flowers are also requested by many families where charitable gifts can be made in memory of their loved one.

  • In memory of a loved one
  • In honor of a Coleman caregiver who made a difference in your life or a life of your loved one
  • As a tribute to a friend or family member who has played a significant role in your life
Explore our Planned Giving Program Booklet to see all the ways to give.

Gift Planning

For lasting support of Coleman Adult Day Services please consider remembering us in your will and estate plans.

Philanthropy plays an important role in fulfilling our mission of providing comprehensive and quality care to your loved one or family member. Through considerate gift planning you can make a lasting impact today while building your legacy for our tomorrow.  Charitable gift planning allows you to express your personal values while reaching your charitable, family and financial goals.  While outright cash gifts are by far the easiest and most common way to show your support, different giving vehicles offer various advantages such as gift, income, estate and capital gains tax benefits for you, your family and Coleman Adult Day.

To request more information or to personalize a plan most beneficial to you contact the Resource Development team at (330) 676-6876 or to discuss ways to leave your legacy through charitable gift planning.


Time & Talent

At Coleman Adult Day, your time and talent is appreciated just as much as monetary donations.

  • Volunteer Your Time: Socialization for seniors is a key factor in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Spend a day meeting, interacting and playing games with our participants. They love company and love new faces even more!
  • Volunteer Your Talent: CADs provides daily entertainment for our participants in the forms of musical guests, dance instruction, music therapy, art lessons, crafts, scripture reading, low impact exercise classes and more. The more entertainment that is provided by weekly and monthly volunteers, the more funds we have to improve our facility and get seniors out in the community. Consider sharing your talents with Coleman Adult Day!
Please fill out the form below to make a monetary contribution or visit our contact us page to tell us how you can donate your goods, time or talent.